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The US has no mechanism for political accountability!
Thos. P. Jackstraw  Updated: 2004-05-17 08:58

I meant to post this response earlier, but I got busy, then I got caught up and lost in other threads and forgot.

The US has no mechanism for political accountability!

Throughout my foreign travels I have had to contend with the results of an American Foreign Policy that has failed to understand the places and the people whom it has overwhelmed with its influence and pressure. I often find myself confronted by foreigners with questions of confusion and bewilderment.

Perhaps everyone has a preconceived notion of what is the US and who are its citizens and perhaps they understand some of how our political system works. No doubt Erich Reyhl knows these things very well. The American system has flaws and it is not the ideal so many may wish or hope to believe. What is the big fuss over abusing prisoners, that is common practice in our country, I think. If being herded around naked is a humiliation, well then consider this is a common practice in American institutions. If being brutalized by police is something new, then has the rest of the world become jaded to the news that pores out of the US everyday exposing a series of misdeeds throughout the country.

We are vocal, do we ever have a consensus? -- the media is left to mitigate and referee, and then tell us what the judgment is, and we have little other voice, no other thought, no other idea. Is the media free of bias? Do the American people have real choices? Do the American people have control over their government?

The American people are not so different from everyone else, they want to live their lives; they don't spend a lot of time understanding world governments and people, or even bother too much about critically examining things closer to home. There is some major flaws in our system of government. One of them is accountability.

Where was that speech by George W. Bush that said something like the US wasn't going to be in places all over the world, putting out fires, that we were concentrate on the business of America? I think it was one of his first speeches as President or one of his campaign speeches, does anyone else not remember?

Bush did not run for President on the basis that the US was a world policeman, threatening Libya, North Korea and Sodom Insane, and that he was going to consolidate his power, force the Europeans to agree not to charge Americans with war crimes (does anyone remember this stuff, just before the invasions)? Trounce on Iraq, abandon the Palestinians, and bend over to Israel and the World Banksters!

Did we read Condi Rice's biography first to learn that our government was not about business, nor love, nor understanding, but territory! Democratic Manifest Destiny!


The above content represents the view of the author only.
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