Nissan says Sept China vehicle sales up 63.8%
2009-Oct-27 13:57:46

Nissan Motor said on Monday its vehicle sales in China surged 63.8 percent to 75,209 in September, helped by its Teana and Sylphy sedans.

Nissan, which makes vehicles in China in partnership with Dongfeng Motor Group Co, sold 541,428 vehicles in the country in the first three quarters, up 35.2 percent from a year earlier.

It did not say how many Teana and Sylphy models it sold in the first nine months, but sales of both models topped 10,000 units respectively in September.

From January to September, Nissan's car venture with Dongfeng sold 400,632 units, up 47.2 percent, it said.

The number three Japanese automaker said last month it expected its China vehicle sales for the full year to rise 18 percent above its initial target of 570.000 units.

Most other foreign automakers reported robust sales in the first three quarters in China thanks largely to Beijing's policy initiatives to bolster automobile demand.

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