Japanese emperor meets with Chinese vice president
2009-Dec-15 19:37:39

Japanese emperor meets with Chinese vice president
Japanese Emperor Akihito (L) meets with visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in Tokyo, Japan, December 15, 2009.[Xinhua] 

TOKYO: Visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with Japanese Emperor Akihito at the Imperial Palace Tuesday.

Both agreed that Xi's visit would further promote friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.

"I hope my visit will contribute to the development of friendly cooperation between the two countries and boost the friendship between the two peoples," Xi told the emperor.

"I has met with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama for fruitful talks, had extensive contact with local people from all walks of life, and will also visit the northern Kyushu area." Xi said.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and China has made remarkable progress in the last 60 years, especially in the last 30 years since the reforms and opening-up, he said.

"Great changes have also taken place since your majesty's first visit to China 17 years ago, " Xi said.

The Emperor and Empress paid their first visit to China in 1992on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the normalization of relations between Japan and China.

The emperor said his visit in 1992 left a deep impression on him. The Chinese vice president's visit would further boost the friendly ties between the two countries, he said.

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