Britney Spears rushes fast to back on track

(E! Online)
2007-05-01 08:37
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Los Angeles - Can you handle more of Britney Spears' truth?

If various published reports can be believed, the rehabbed pop princess is supposedly planning to dish some serious dirt in an upcoming tell-all.

As Star magazine tells it, Spears will delve into topics such as how life with Kevin Federline nearly drove her to suicide.

"His womanizing, his wild spending, the verbal abuse he hurled at her when he thought their marriage was coming to an end," an unnamed source told Star. "Britney will say he deliberately tried to drive her crazy.

"She feels Kevin just pretended to love her for the money and a music career. When that sunk in, she was so heartbroken that she wanted to kill herself."

The same source claimed Spears would also discuss her belief that her mother, Lynne, is to blame for the bulk of her problems.

"Britney will call her a 'stage mom from hell' and blame her for almost every ill in her life," the source told the magazine. "She'll say Lynne's money hungry and that she was just along for the free ride. Britney thinks of her as a meddling, smothering person and blames her for her messy marriages."

Given Spears' recent public war of words with her father, Jamie, it seems likely that he, too, would be cast as a villain in any autobiographical account.

Publishers are reportedly already lining up to bid on the rights, which are expected to sell for as much as $10 million, assuming the project actually exists.

Spears' camp has not commented on the rumors.

Meanwhile, according to the New York Post, Vanity Fair and Allure are locked in a bidding war of their own to secure the first post-meltdown interview with the "Oops" singer.

"We would love to have Britney, but nothing is scheduled yet," an Allure rep told the paper, while Vanity Fair declined to comment.

In between (supposedly) shopping her life story, Spears has been busily plotting her musical comeback, logging some serious hours in the studio and at dance classes.

The singer was widely expected to play a secret show at Hollywood hot spot Forty Deuce last Wednesday, but backed out at the last minute because she felt unprepared, according to E! Online Planet Gossip columnist Marc Malkin.

Rumor now has it that Spears will take the stage at the House of Blues in San Diego on Tuesday, the House of Blues in Anaheim on Wednesday and the House of Blues in Hollywood on Thursday, performing under the name the M+M's.

Finally, there's evidence that Spears may be moving a little too fast in her rush to get her life back on track. The singer was pulled over for speeding in Beverly Hills on Friday, but managed to escape with just a warning.
