Miley Cyrus: 'I'm lonely'

Updated: 2008-02-25 15:18

Miley Cyrus

Teen TV star Miley Cyrus is calling on teenage fans to be her friend, because her overprotective parents veto all the girl pals she brings home.

The 15-year-old Hannah Montana star claims she is lonely, because father Billy Ray and mother Tish have banned her from spending time with many of her friends.

She says, "Some people think you have more privileges than other teenagers because of what you do. And that's not it at all. It's actually the opposite.

"They're protective for sure. My mom is more strict than my dad.

"You want to keep your closed circle of friends. And sometimes my mom is saying, 'I have a bad vibe about this person. She needs to hang out with you when I'm around just to keep you safe.'

"I need more friends. Its kind of like my quest right now just to have more true friends."

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