Johnny Depp to help coma girl

Updated: 2008-03-25 10:55

U.S. actor Johnny Depp poses for photographers at the premiere of "Sweeney Todd" in London January 10, 2008. [Agencies]

Kind-hearted Hollywood actor Johnny Depp has vowed to help a British girl who is fighting for her life after spending five months in a coma.

The parents of 17-year-old Sophie Wilkinson from Southampton, England, who was critically injured in a car crash last year, wrote to the Pirates of the Caribbean star, who is their daughter's favorite actor--and Depp was so moved by their plight that he resolved to help.

Depp has agreed to record a voice message for the teenager that will be played to her in the hopes it will help bring her out of the life-threatening coma.

He also agreed to try to visit her at Southampton General Hospital.

And Sophie's father, Andrew, was delighted the star offered to give up his time to help. 


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