Katy Perry plans church wedding

2010-03-19 10:35
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Katy Perry plans church wedding

Katy Perry wants to get married in a church.

The 'I Kissed A Girl' singer - whose parents Mary and Keith Hudson are both Christian pastors - reportedly told her fiance, British comedian Russell Brand, she wanted to tie the knot at a location close to her Los Angeles home, but turned down his suggestion of a recording studio at the Sunset Marquis hotel.

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A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Russell has been visiting the hotel for years and it is steeped in rock 'n' roll history. It's in the middle of West Hollywood, but it has beautiful gardens and you feel like you are in some kind of tranquil paradise.

"Katy was keen, but when it was suggested they could have their blessing in one of the recording studios, she put her foot down.

"Her religious parents would be crushed if she didn't get married in a church."

Although his request was rejected, 34-year-old Russell - who originally wanted to marry in India, where they got engaged on New Year's Eve (31.12.09) - was not too upset and has told Katy, 25, he is willing to go along with her ideas for her dream day.

The source added: "Russell said she can have whatever she wants - as long as his mum's there."