Jesse James wants Sandra back

2010-04-06 17:55
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Jesse James wants Sandra back

Jesse James wants to live with Sandra Bullock again.

The 40-year-old motorcycle entrepreneur's lawyer Joe Yanny claims he is keen to get back with Sandra and continue their life together, despite removal vans being seen outside the couple's home taking out furniture and boxes.

Yanny told "When all is said and done, he wants the same people who were living in his house before all this happened to still be living there.

"And he wants to save his marriage with the woman he loves more than anything in his life. He's focusing on what he's doing and trying to make himself better."

Sandra left Jesse after a series of allegations of multiple affairs were publicly revealed just weeks after 'The Blind Side' actress was named Best Actress as this year's Oscars last month.

In the wake of the revelations, Jesse checked himself into the Sierra Tucson Rehabilitation Center, in Arizona, to be treated for sex addiction before reportedly quitting last week over security concerns.

A source said: "He was fed up with all the media leaks from inside. He had privacy and security concerns."

Jesse has since returned to the rehab facility for a reported 45-day recovery programme.

Meanwhile, Jesse's sister Julie has come out in support of her brother, but did not comment on the state of his marriage to Sandra.

She said: "I am very, very, very much supportive of my family. We keep our family life very private."