Leonardo DiCaprio set to move in with Blake

Updated: 2011-08-28 14:28


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Leonardo DiCaprio set to move in with Blake

Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively are considering moving in together.

The 'Inception' actor wants to spend as much time as possible with his girlfriend and the pair are now thinking about setting up home with each other.

A source told National Enquirer magazine: "Leo and Blake are really happy right now. They've been discussing their future, and that includes creating a home together. Leo told Blake that she can trust him."

Leonardo - who has previously dated a host of famous women including supermodel Gisele Bundchen and catwalk beauty Bar Refaeli - wants to prove his commitment to Blake by moving in with her.

The source added: "He's actually really taken with her and wants her to know that he's committed and not going anywhere."

Leonardo and Blake recently took a trip around Europe, and were even seen visiting Disneyland, where they went on a StarTours ride and stayed in the park's Downtown Disney hotel.