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Embroidery on Xuan Paper
Updated: 2009-08-12 17:22

Gu Yuchun and his creations

When one steps into Gu Yuchun’s studio, one finds his embroidery, a Chinese ink-and-wash painting on Xuan paper with boards around to fix it.

“I have spent three months to do this embroidery, just one more week and I will finish it.” Gu said.

Gu’s work is hung around his studio. Landscapes, human figures, birds, flowers and animals even calligraphy are vividly presented in his embroidery.

Embroidery on Xuan Paper
Gu Yuchun and his works 

At the very beginning, Gu embroidered Chinese ink-and-wash paintings onto cloths which were interweaved by threads. Since the cloths are smooth, they reflect the light that degrades the artistic feeling of the embroidery. For this reason, Gu tries to work on Xuan paper, however, since they are too thin, the papers are easy to be split when they have too many pinholes.

Gu made many efforts to solve this problem; finally he combined the embroidery with Chinese painting and calligraphy arts and successfully registered it as a national patent in 2005.

With the passage of the time, this unique art has been gradually recognized in the market and won the favor of the collectors both at home and abroad.

Further, it has been presented to the foreign guests as a gift representing the culture of Jiangxi Province.

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