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“No one named van Gogh in my village”
Updated: 2009-08-13 11:37

“His sunflowers are not better than mine. Sunflowers can not be in vase. Without water and soil they would be dead. He must be unhappy because his flowers are not energetic. But my sunflowers are planted under the sunshine are full of vitality. They are very happy just like my mood.” she said.



“No one named van Gogh in my village”
Sunflowerby Chang Xiufeng

And her take on van Gogh himself?

"I don't know him. There's no one named van Gogh in my village.”

Quotations from Chang Xiufeng


“No one named van Gogh in my village”

Chang's book 


Q: What are the differences between living in the city and the country?

A: City is not safe, because there are too much people and vehicles.

Q: Have you ever been to Beijing?

A: Beijing is the capital, where the chairman Mao lived.

Q: Do you think you are a celebrity?

A: I ‘m not a celebrity, I’m a farmer still.

Q: Why do people like your paintings?

A: I do not know. They all said my paintings touched them

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