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Focus on life of the disabled

2013-06-20 21:00

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Focus on life of the disabled

Wu Feng was born in Xicheng, Beijing, in 1977 with learning disabilities. His mother also has learning difficulties and his father is blind.

He received six-months training in the Lizhi Rehabilitation Center, and found a job in a supermarket. Wu quit the job over a wage dispute.

Since then he has worked in the aquatic product sector of a Hualian supermarket chain store. He would like to start a family.

[Photo by Jiang Quan] 

Focus on life of the disabled

Wu Qin was born in 1979 and is deaf.

After graduation from Nantong special school for the deaf and mute, Wu's search for work was not easy.

She has held a number of posts but has always faced discrimination at work.

Now she is a goods arranger in a supermarket and enjoys the responsibility of her position.

[Photo by Chen Weiwei] 

