A Story about Tiger Shoes

Updated: 2007-06-12 09:18

The son was crying for his mother. The father tried to deceive him into believing that his mother had gone far away to the west. The son insisted on looking for his mother and finally, he went on the trip. He traveled westwards, continuing day and night and, in the end, he saw his mother in a forest, bathing together with many other fairies. "Well, my son, how have you been looking for your Mum a long time!" said the mother, weeping the tears off her son's cheeks. "Mum, let's go home. You know how I missed you." "We won't meet until you go into the official's room, wearing that pair of tiger shoes I made for you. My son. Shut your eyes, and I'll send you home first."

After a whirl of gale, the son was surprised to find himself already at home. He informed the official that he could call the lady down from the picture. On hearing the news, the evil official was very pleased, and the boy was led directly into the bedroom. As soon as the boy saw his mother, he spoke to the picture. "Mum, let's go!". The mother got down right away and walked out, with the support of her son. But the evil official stopped them right away. He wanted to detain the beauty, but he was refused. The official became angry and thrust at the mother and son. The boy fought back bravely. While they were fighting, the tiger shoes somehow shook themselves off the boy's feet and turned into a large tiger. It jumped up quickly over to meet this sinful official. The calls for help from the man and the roars from the fierce tiger combined in a cacophony heard by the whole town. Anyway, it was the tiger shoes that saved the mother and son, and the family were soon united again. Since then, people have made tiger shoes for their own babies hoping for their family and their babies to be equally-well protected.
