Yue-Sai, first lady of style
"Markets are rarely ready for anything, you have to open them. And it's hard, but you open a whole new world to consumers; you lead them to a new understanding of themselves," she told Shanghai Daily in a recent interview.
The world she opened up to Chinese consumers included cosmetics with 'Yue-Sai Cosmetics' in 1992, home decoration with the 'House of Yue-Sai' in 2004, two instruction manuals on etiquette and, in 1999, she even released a Yue-Sai Doll so that, "Chinese girls can have a black eyed, black haired doll."
Yue-Sai identifies herself as an American who has crossed over to China.
Born in Guilin, China, Yue-Sai grew up in Hong Kong, and then the United States, studying at the University of Hawaii. She is an American national, but most of her "firsts" have occurred in China.
Though Kan's roots are Chinese, she introduced some very American, individualistic philosophies alongside her products.
"A modern woman is someone who can accept new concepts, and the world is open to you, you take your life in your hands."
"You may think cosmetics are not important, but I introduced a tool that makes women feel more confident, beautiful and modern - that's very important. A modern woman is someone who can accept new concepts, and the world is open to you, you take your life in your hands," Kan said.
Her business success was built on the massive personal fame she enjoyed as a TV host - 'Yue-Sai' succeeded as a brand because she was already a household name in China.
Dressed in her signature red ensemble ("for happiness"), with red lipstick and red earrings in the interview, she has the unassailable, shiny glamorousness of an old hand in the celebrity business.
In the mid 1980s when Chinese women were still wearing drab colours and styles, Kan appeared in their homes dressed in American shoulder-padded suits, bright red lipstick and fashionably bobbed hair.
"Yue-Sai" became a lifestyle icon, laying the foundation for her subsequent business success.