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Chinese breaking old color barriers with hair dye

By Gan Tian | China Daily | Updated: 2013-09-09 07:01

A big showcase

Together with the launching of the report, the French company also held a L'Oreal Color Trophy show to present its latest hairstyles and colors.

The trophy show, founded in 1950 in the Great Britain, came to China in 2001. This year, the show featured colorful creations from L'Oreal Chinese hairstylists Hao Hai, Yang Shu, Yang Xiaodong and Zhou Xiaofeng.

Zhou wowed the fashionistas by presenting a big curvy hairstyle in dark purple. The warm color and the vintage style give a sexy touch to the model. He says hair coloration in China is becoming "much bolder".

"The most popular colors among Chinese female consumers are brown, red, and purple. But more younger consumers tend to dye some bright colors, for example, pink, silver and even green," says the veteran stylist Zhou.


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