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Grand National dress code upsets followers of fashion

Xinhua | Updated: 2014-10-20 15:07

Grand National dress code upsets followers of fashion
Fashionable hats at Royal Ascot horse racing festival
Grand National dress code upsets followers of fashion
Royal Ascot horse racing festival
Race organizers say the dress code, which they stress is advice rather than rules, aim to inspire and enthuse guests to make the Grand National event the most stylish ever.

The course owners plan to appoint ambassadors to give advice on dress and style for Ladies Day.

Commenting on the style code, Jockey Club spokesman John Baker said: "We want racegoers to really embrace it and cement the Crabtree Grand National Ladies Day as the best dressed event in the racing calendar."

Ladies Day at the Grand National is a relatively new feature of a race meeting dating back to 1839. The feature event, the Grand National, involves horses racing almost 7,200 meters over the world's most gruelling circuit. It is watched by around 600 million people in over 140 countries. It also generates Europe's biggest prize for the winner of a jump race in Europe, worth one million pounds.

It seems during the 2015 Grand National the attention will be on the winners of the fashion race among female racegoers.

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