2014巴西世界杯 > 精选双语球评



2014-06-09 11:07:17




Luis Suarez is coming off knee surgery but remains a top player to watch in the World Cup.


The 2014 FIFA World Cup is right around the corner, so it's time to get excited about the best matches in the group stage. From defending champion Spain to host favorite Brazil to perennial power Italy, several countries will be playing in can't-miss matches. Here are our 10 best, listed in chronological order:


The first game of Group B competition is a rematch of the 2010 FIFA World Cup final as defending champion Spain faces the Netherlands in Salvador, Brazil. Vicente Del Bosque brings a relatively familiar-looking Spanish side from his 2010 squad. Louis Van Gaal, however, brings a Dutch side that’s a mix of veteran players and new faces to the World Cup stage -- in particular, in defense and goalkeeping. (June 13, 2:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)


Two traditional soccer powers will square off on June 14, when England takes on Italy in Manaus, Brazil. The European World Cup fixtures each will be trying to get out of a difficult Group D, which also features Uruguay and lethal striker Luis Suárez. The defensive-minded Italians will attempt to stifle Wayne Rooneyand company, who will be out to dispel their underachiever label in World Cup play. England has never beaten Italy at a major tournament, and Italian striker Mario Balotelli recently provided some bulletin-board fodder by saying the Three Lions have no chance of winning this World Cup. “They have some good players, but they are no real rivals for Italy,” Balotelli said. On June 14, we’ll find out. (June 14, 5:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)


This June 16 match likely will play a big part in determining which sides advance out of the “Group of Death.” It wouldn’t be a surprise to see either the Germans or the Portuguese win Group G, so each nation will present a tough foe for one another in Salvador, Brazil. Germany has experienced a resurgence in international play and is one of the odds-on favorites to hoist the trophy in Brazil. But Cristiano Ronaldo is a difficult force to stop, and arguably the world’s best player will be counted on to generate – and finish – plenty of Portugal’s scoring chances. He’ll need help for Portugal to knock off the well-rounded Germans in this crucial tilt. (June 16, 11:30 a.m. ET, ESPN)


In both of the previous two World Cups, the United States was eliminated by Ghana in tense, hard-fought matches decided by the slimmest of margins, with the last match between these rivals decided in extra time. If either team hopes to advance to the next round, it will need to put its best foot forward from the get-go, as they meet in each country's World Cup opener. Points against Germany and Portugal will be difficult to come by, so a victory is a must for both countries. (June 16, 5:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)


When asked whether he feared Mexico as a group-stage rival, Brazilian coach Luiz Felipe Scolari responded in the affirmative, answering, “Mexico is always a tough opponent for us." However, historic results show Mexico to be a bit more than a “tough” opponent for Brazil. Since the turn of the century, no team has beaten Brazil more often than Mexico. Similarly, Brazil’s victory over Mexico during last summer’s Confederations Cup was its first competitive triumph against the CONCACAF nation in more than nine years. Expect a tense and entertaining encounter. (June 17, 2:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)


If Suárez proves healthy for this Group D clash, he’ll give the English defense a lot to worry about. His striking partner, Edinson Cavani, scored 25 goals for Paris St. Germain this season and will be a significant threat as well. Uruguay has a number of attacking options but its defense is a weak point. England stalwarts Rooney and Steven Gerrard will look to find a way through. The two sides are evenly matched. A moment of brilliance, possibly from Suárez or Rooney, might prove the difference. (June 19, 2:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)


The heat will be on figuratively and literally for both the U.S. and Portugal when they meet in their second Group G match in city of Manaus—located in the middle of the Amazon rainforest—on June 22. In the “Group of Death,” points will come at a premium, and for either the U.S. or Portugal to advance to the knockout stage, this game can be considered a must-win. (June 22, 5:30 p.m. ET, ESPN)


The final day of group competition in Group B will showcase a scrappy Chilean side take on the Netherlands in Sao Paulo. Arturo Vidal and Alexis Sánchez will try to lead La Roja to the round of 16 for the second straight World Cup tournament, whileArjen Robben and Robin van Persie will lead the Oranje attack as the Netherlands will look to advance to the knockout stage for the eighth time in their history. (June 23, 11:30 a.m. ET, ESPN)


Paired in a competitive group with England and Costa Rica, it’s likely that much will be at stake when these two teams meet in their last group match. So much depends on the health of Uruguayan striker Suárez who recently underwent knee cartilage surgery. Suárez, the reigning player of the year in England, comes into the World Cup as perhaps the most devastating striker on the planet. Italy, inventors of catenaccio, has the defensive pedigree to stop him. Veteran goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon will lead the back line and likely be joined by two Juventus teammates: Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini. For goals, they’ll look to the temperamental Balotelli, who's had his own struggles with fitness lately. On the right day, he can be a world-beater. On the wrong day, Balotelli can be a liability. (June 24, 11:30 a.m. ET, ESPN)


A draw against powerhouse Germany sounds great, but depending on results from its first two matches, the U.S. may need more than a point to emerge from its group. U.S. coach Jürgen Klinsmann was once a star player for the German national side. From 2004-'06, he coached his country’s team, guiding them to a third-place finish at a World Cup played on home soil. His tactical acumen will be put to the test as the U.S. faces such individual attacking talents as Thomas Muller,Bastian Schweinsteiger and Mesut Ozil. To stunt the German attack, the Americans likely will depend on a center-back partnership featuring the relatively inexperienced Omar Gonzalez and Matt Besler. Chances at the other end should be few and far between for the Americans. When and if they do occur, expect captain Clint Dempsey to be at the heart of the U.S. attack. (June 26, 11:30 a.m. ET, ESPN)




B组的第一场比赛将再现2010年国际足联世界杯决赛。在巴西的萨尔瓦多,卫冕冠军西班牙队将对阵荷兰队。博斯克(Vicente del Bosque)带来了我们熟悉的西班牙队,这与他2010年率领征战上届世界杯的队伍相比变化不大。不同的是,范加尔(Louis van Gaal)带领的荷兰队混合了老将和新秀,其中的一些年轻球员是第一次出征世界杯比赛,特别是球队中的防守队员和守门员。


在巴西的马瑙斯,英格兰和意大利——两支传统的足球强队将在6月14日开战。这两支欧洲球队必将在强手扎堆的D组努力突出重围。乌拉圭队也分在D组,“致命射手”苏亚雷斯是该队的主力球员。极具防守意识的意大利人会尝试压制鲁尼(Wayne Rooney)和他队友们的进攻,英格兰人希望取得突破,摘掉他们在世界杯比赛表现不佳的标签。英格兰队从未在重大赛事上击败意大利队,意大利球员巴洛特利(Mario Barotelli)最近放言,宣称三狮军团(即英格兰队)不可能在本次世界杯夺冠。“他们拥有一些优秀球员,但都不是意大利的真正对手”,巴洛特利说。6月14日,我们拭目以待。


6月15日的这场比赛在很大程度上将决定哪支球队从“死亡之组”出线。无论是德国人还是葡萄牙人在G组中拔得头筹,都不是一件让人惊讶的事,因此两支国家队会在巴西的萨尔瓦多,上演一场艰苦的比赛。德国队经历了在国际赛事中的复苏,也是大有希望在巴西捧杯的球队之一。但是克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Christiano Ronaldo)是很难扼制的强劲球员,可以说被指望为葡萄牙队制造并完成大部分的得分。在这场决定能否出线的关键比赛上,他需要队友的协作,助力葡萄牙击败技术全面的德国人。




问起是否担心小组赛的对手墨西哥队,巴西队主教练斯科拉里(Luiz Felipe Scolari)的回答是肯定的:“墨西哥对我们来说一直是一个强劲的对手”。然而,历史纪录显示墨西哥对巴西不只是一个“强劲”的对手。本世纪以来,没有哪支球队比墨西哥队击败巴西的次数更多。同样,巴西队在去年夏天的联合会杯上击败墨西哥,是超过九年以来,巴西队在对阵中北美洲及加勒比海足球协会球队的第一次胜利。期待一场紧张而有趣的对决。


如果苏亚雷斯能在这场D组的交锋中伤愈复出,他一定会给英格兰人的后防线带来不少麻烦。他的进攻搭档,埃迪森·卡瓦尼(Edinson Cavani)在本赛季为巴黎圣日尔曼队踢进了25枚进球,他也将成为英格兰的重要威胁。乌拉圭拥有许多进攻的火力点,但是后防线较为薄弱。英格兰队体格高大健壮的鲁尼和杰拉德(Steven Gerrard),将会积极寻找进球的突破口。两支球队势均力敌。可能来自鲁尼或者苏亚雷斯的精彩瞬间,会成为决定胜负的一击。




在圣保罗,B组的最后一场比赛将在好斗的智利队和荷兰队之间展开。阿图罗·比达尔(Arturo Vidal)和阿莱克西斯·桑切斯(Alexis Sanchez)会努力带领红色军团(即智利队)第二次出战世界杯杀入16强,而罗本(Arjen Robben)和佩西(Robin van Persie)也会带领橙衣军团发起猛攻,为了荷兰人能在历史上第八次进入淘汰赛。


与英格兰和哥斯达黎加一同被分在竞争激烈的小组,在两支球队的最后一场小组赛交锋中,出线形势很可能仍不明朗。乌拉圭的射手苏亚雷斯最近刚接受了膝部软骨手术,他能否伤愈复出可能会决定D组的出线形势。苏亚雷斯是英超联赛的年度球员,他作为大概是“在这个星球上最具威胁的射手”来到本届世界杯。意大利方面,作为四三三链式防守阵式的发明者,拥有阻止苏亚雷斯射门的实力。老将守门员吉布冯(Gianluigi Buffon)将率领球队的后防线,可能与两位尤文图斯队友——莱昂纳多·博努奇(Leonardo Bonucci)和吉奥吉奥·基耶利尼——协力严防。对于进球,他们会依靠喜怒无常的巴洛特利,他最近也被伤病困扰。时机成熟,他会是一个世界级水平的球员;时机不对,巴洛特利可能是个累赘 。


抽签分到与强大的德国队同组听起来不错,但是基于前两场小组赛的结果,美国队需要不只一分来从组内出现。美国队主教练克林斯曼(Jurgen Klinsmann)曾是德国国家队的明星球员,带领球队在本土举办的世界杯上获得季军。他的战术意识将在对阵德国的比赛上得到考验,尤其是应对诸如托马斯·穆勒(Thomas Muller),巴斯蒂安·施魏因施泰格(Bastian Schweinsteiger)和厄齐尔(Mesut Ozil)这样个人能力出众的天才进攻球员。为了抵御德国人的攻击,美国人可能要依靠中后卫的合作——相对经验不足的奥马尔·冈萨雷斯(Omar Gonzalez)和马特·贝斯勒(Matt Besler)。相比之下,美国队进攻得分的机会则是少之又少。一旦机会出现,就靠美国队长克林特·邓普西(Clint Dempsey)在球队中心位置组织进攻了。

(译者 scaxkelly 编辑 齐磊)



Australia had a bumpy ride through the Asian qualifying groups, losing to Oman and Jordan, En route to finishing second behind Japan to seal a world cup place. >详细>>

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