何塞·穆里尼奥:2014世界杯16强我说了算! - 中国日报网
2014巴西世界杯 > 精选双语球评



2014-06-09 15:51:09






Hark! Chelsea manager and Yahoo global football ambassador Jose Mourinho has come down from the mountain (and entered a nondescript conference room) to present the world with his 16 picks to advance from the 2014 World Cup group stage written on stone tablets (or white poster board). With an assist from Yahoo's Melanie Collins, Jose navigates through the clear favorites and the tougher calls of the group stage with the same way most fans do: by backing the people he likes most.

"I'm very emotional, I go always with my friends," Mourinho says before picking the Netherlands to finish as runners up in Group B behind Spain, since he and Netherlands manager Louis van Gaal worked together at Barcelona in the late '90s. In Group C he went with Greece and Didier Drogba's Ivory Coast advancing over Colombia and Japan.

In Group D he couldn't choose, citing Uruguay's strength and his ties to England and Italy. "If I say England out, next season they don't let me coach here [at Chelsea]."

In Group E, Mourinho said, "I don't believe in another collapse for France," and chose them to win the group with Switzerland edging out Ecuador for the second spot. In Group F, he opted for Nigeria to finish behind Argentina since the Super Eagles have Chelsea's John Obi Mikel (Victor Moses was on loan at Liverpool all season, so I guess he doesn't count).

In Group G, Mourinho is certain no one will finish with zero points, but he does see Germany finishing top with Portugal behind them. But, he added, that he's afraid for his native Portugal against the U.S. And finally, in Group H, he said "Belgium has the talent," but somewhat surprisingly went with Russia to finish first and Belgium second — perhaps due to their youthful inexperience.


瞧!切尔西主教练及雅虎世界足球大使何塞·穆里尼奥(Jose Mourinho)终于从大山里走出(进到一个神秘的会议室)展示他对在2014世界杯小组赛阶段里精心挑选的16个选手,他们的名字将被写在石案上(其实是白色的海报板)。在雅虎Melanie Collins的协助下,穆里尼奥在闪耀的明星和难以决定的小组赛上斟酌,就像很多球迷一样,选择支持自己最喜欢的球员。

“我很情绪化,我一直和我的朋友立场一致。”穆里尼奥说。之后,他把荷兰放在B组的第二名,排在西班牙后,因为他曾同荷兰队主教练路易斯·范加尔(Louis van Gaal)在90年代一同在巴塞罗那工作过。在C组,他把希腊和迪迪埃·德罗巴(Didier Drogba)的科特迪瓦(Ivory Coast)队放在哥伦比亚队和日本队之前。


在E组,穆里尼奥说:“我不相信法国会再次失败。”同时,他选择法国为第一,而瑞士将厄瓜多尔挤出第二名位置。在F组,他选择尼日利亚最后会排在阿根廷之后,因为超级雄鹰尼日利亚有切尔西的约翰·奥比·米克尔(John Obi Mikel )( 维克托·莫塞斯(Victor Moses)整个赛季都租借给利物浦,所以我想他不算)。

在G组,穆里尼奥相信不会有球队一分不得,但是他预计到德国会超过葡萄牙排名第一。 不过,他还表示,他担心他的祖国球队葡萄牙与美国队的比赛。最后在H组,他说:“比利时拥有天才”,不过,令人惊讶的是,他认为俄罗斯会成为第一,比利时第二——原因可能是他们太年轻,缺乏经验。

标签: iNews 世界杯


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