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2014巴西世界杯 > 球评滚不停



2014-06-10 15:35:43






If you have spent any time in Brazil, you will understand why Ronaldo summed it up recently as "football for us is more than five stars on a shirt, it is a lifestyle". It is everywhere. The beaches are floodlit so games can go on until the early hours. Goalposts rise from the sand as far as the eye can see. And it does not take long watching the kids from thefavelas to realise there is one thing they consider mandatory here from a very early age. A good first touch. It is the perfect setting.

Yes, Brazil has its problems in the buildup to these finals and they are not trying to pretend anything else. Yet there is still something magical about what to expect from 12 June to 13 July at the home of jogo bonito. Just look at Argentina's forward line: Messi, Agüero, Lavezzi, Higuaín. Or consider some of the other superstars who will be illuminating the Maracanã, Arena Amazonia, Estádio Nacional and all the other venues. Ronaldo, Robben, Ribéry … and that's just the Rs. Maybe even Rooney will turn up this time.

It will not be straightforward, for any of the European teams. This is the seventh time the tournament has been staged in South America and on the previous six occasions it has been won by a team from the same continent. Twice by Brazil, twice Uruguay and twice Argentina.

Roy Hodgson, asked why this was the case, talked about it not just being the heat and humidity. "It's the grass as well," he said. "It doesn't bounce in the way we're used to." The Football Association has brought in its own turf specialist to try to recreate what to expect at their training ground. An official request has gone in to establish if the grass will be cut the same length at every stadium. The first thing England really need to know is that the teams who take care of the ball, and spend less energy chasing to get it back, will inevitably go the furthest in these conditions.

Spain tick an awful lot of the boxes as they set about defending the trophy before the inevitable break-up of the Xavi Hernández-Andrés Iniesta double act. There have surely never been two other players in history who have passed the ball to one another with greater regularity (or accuracy). But Xavi is 34 and Iniesta has just turned 30. This will be their final hurrah together in this competition.

Can Spain repeat their success of 2010? They are in a difficult group, alongside Holland, Chile and Australia, but no one should discount them when you stop to think about the list of players – among them Juan Mata, Fernando Torres, David de Gea, Fernando Llorente, Alvaro Arbeloa, Isco, Carles Puyol and David Villa – who have been left out of Vicente del Bosque's squad or were fretting for their place. They also have Diego Costa now, so it would be a surprise if there is a return to the 4-6-0 formation that formed part of their successful Euro 2012 campaign. Costa's defection, after winning two caps for Brazil in March last year, threatens serious repercussions for the host nation when the one thing they clearly lack is a centre-forward.

Neymar offers a certain amount of fantasia but the 22-year-old has had an erratic season at Barcelona and there is too much reliance on him to carry the national team on his slight shoulders. Otherwise, the onus is on Fred, who has a decent scoring record for Fluminense but was whistled when England played at the Maracanã last June. The backup is Jô – once of Manchester City – and look out for Bernard, a wide player Luiz Felipe Scolari has described as having "joy in the legs". A nice quote even if a trio of Fred, Jô and Bernard sounds more like a cribbage night with the Rotary Club than three names to inspire fear among the world's best defences.

Argentina look the better bet. Carlos Tevez would walk into most teams yet he does not get into Alejandro Sabella's squad and the bottom line is that if Lionel Messi plays at his best, this team will be close to unstoppable. It is an if because it has not always happened for Messi in the colours of La Albiceleste but he turns 27 the day before Argentina's final game in Group F against Nigeria and if he really wants to be revered in the same way as Diego Maradona, the only thing that really goes against him is that he has never sprinkled his stardust over a World Cup. He has the opportunity to bury the argument. And Messi, on top form, has the gifts to win the tournament almost by himself.

Portugal only squeaked in via the play-offs and will do well to get through a group featuring Germany, Ghana and USA, even with Cristiano Ronaldo in their midst. Germany and Holland always deserve to be taken seriously – neither team lost a single game in qualification – and a talented Belgium should be good fun to watch.

Yet if there is a dark horse in Brazil, it is probably one of the South American nations. Think back to the way Chile outplayed England at Wembley in November. Or consider the dangers a fit Luis Suárez and Edinson Cavani will pose Uruguay's opponents. One certainty: Suárez, should he recover from surgery in time, will be absolutely determined to put one over on England, just for starters.

The draw has clearly not been kind for England but at least this time expectations are mostly realistic. No one, in tabloidese, is roaring "We're gonna win it" and everyone, deep down, knew where Greg Dyke, the FA chairman, was coming from with that infamous slit-throat gesture at the World Cup draw.

Hodgson will be better prepared this time, however. He was parachuted into the England job with barely six weeks to prepare for Euro 2012 and had to muddle together a squad when an entire XI were missing through injury. He now has a structure to his team and the basis of a plan. More than anything, he has shown he can move away from the "dark age" tactics and his reputation as a rigid 4-4-2 man.

All the same, the opening game against Italy automatically conjures up memories of what happened in Ukraine two years ago and a couple of things in particular. First, Andrea Pirlo doing the Panenka penalty on the gurning, arms-flapping, Grobbelaar-impersonating Joe Hart, a moment of beauty that was missing only the words: "Ciao, bambino". And, second, the statistic that revealed England's most successful pass completion came from Hart, with 18 goal-kicks up the pitch to Andy Carroll, a second-half substitute. What a sorry story that told of England's performance.

This England will need to show more refinement if they are to overcome the difficulties of Group D. That in itself would constitute success of sorts but, equally, there is no point being defeatist purely for the sake of it.

Hodgson has not said England can win it but, then again, he hasn't said they can't either. It's a long shot – OK, a very long shot – but it would be nice to think that the good players in England's squad can show that is what they are: good players. It is when they underperform that it jars so much. Though we have said all that before, of course.

如果你曾去过巴西,你就会明白为什么最近罗纳尔多会如此说巴西足球: “足球对于我们的意义远不止球衣上那五颗星,它是一种生活方式”。 足球随处可见。 海滩灯光常明,足球活动因此可以持续到凌晨。目所能及的沙滩上,都伫立着门柱。不用过多久,你就会意识到,那些贫民窟的孩子自小就认为踢足球是他们必须做的事。孩子们第一次接触足球的场景一定很完美。

巴西队确实在为决赛圈的组队方面确实存在一些问题,但他们并没有想掩盖。不过,人们仍好奇,在6月12日至7月13日期间,在桑巴足球的主场里会发生什么令人期待的事。先来看看阿根廷队的前锋阵容:梅西、阿奎罗、拉维齐、伊瓜因。 或者来考虑一些其他的超级巨星们,他们这些球星会令马拉卡纳球场(Maracana),玛瑙斯亚马逊竞技场(Arena Amazonia),国家体育馆(Estadio Nacional)等场地闪光熠熠。罗纳尔多、罗本、里贝里……,这还只是一些以字母“R”开头的球星。 甚至是鲁尼,这次也有可能会出场。

本届世界杯对欧洲任一球队都不是轻而易举的比赛。这届世界杯是在南美洲举办的第七届世界杯了而且前六届的冠军都是由南美洲的球队夺得。 巴西队、乌拉圭队和阿根廷队都分别夺冠两次。

有人问及原因时,罗伊·霍奇森(Roy Hodgson)说这不仅是热度和湿度的原因。 “也和草地有关,”他还说道。 “它和我们的场地反弹情况不同。”国际足联也带来了他们自己的皮草专家试图重现训练场地的场景。是否每个场馆的草都要剪成同一高度呢,官方已经确认了这一要求。那些看球的球队,消耗较少的能量就能把球追回来。在这样的情况下,这些球队当然能走得最远。这也是英格兰队最关心的。

哈维·埃尔南德斯(Xavi Hernandexz)和安德雷斯·伊涅斯塔(Andres Iniesta)这对搭档将面临解散。西班牙队已做足了准备,因为他们得为夺得大力神杯而战斗。可以肯定的是,有史以来从未有过其他两位球员像他们一样,传球给对方能如此有规律(或者说是精准) 。但是哈维已经34岁了,伊涅斯塔也刚满30岁。 这次世界杯会是他们最后一次搭档出场的世界杯。

西班牙队会再现2010年的成功吗? 西班牙队身处死亡之组,小组中还有荷兰队、智利队和澳大利亚队。但当你停下来思考一下西班牙队的球员时,你就不会不重视西班牙队了——球员中有胡安·马塔、托雷斯、大卫·德赫亚、费尔南多略伦特、阿尔瓦罗·阿贝罗阿、伊斯科、卡尔斯·普约尔和大卫·比利亚——而且这还没有提及名教练博斯克文森特·德尔·博斯克,这些球员们都为了夺得好名次而感到努力。迭戈·科斯塔现在也效力于西班牙队。2012欧洲杯西班牙队夺了冠军,当时西班牙队使用的就是4-6-0阵型,如果这次再出现这样的阵型,人们会感到很惊喜的。去年三月,科斯塔从曾获得过两届世界杯冠军的巴西队转会至西班牙队,他的转会对巴西队的影响很大。很明显的一点是,巴西队少了一位中锋。



葡萄牙队很顺利地冲进了决赛圈,在接下来的小组决赛中,他们也会很顺利地突围。葡萄牙队所在的小组中还有德国队、加纳队和美国队。克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔(Cristiano Rolnaldo)多也在其中。德国队和荷兰队一向以来都是值得重视的——在资格赛中,这两支球队一场球都没输过——有实力的比利时队也是值得一看的。





与此同时,开幕赛中对阵意大利队,让人不由地想起两年前在乌克兰发生的那些事。人们对有些事的印象尤其深刻。首先会想到,安德烈亚·皮尔洛(Andrea Irlo)在罚勺子点球(Panenka penalty)时模仿乔·哈特(Jo Hart),做出用手臂拍打格罗贝拉尔的动作。那美景正消失,但人们还是会想起那句话:“再见了,小孩”。其次是,数据显示,英格兰队最成功的向前传球来自哈特。他在下半场时替补出场,却在场地中向安迪·卡罗尔(Andy Carroll)踢了18个球门球。这样的事,对英格兰队来说是多么不好啊。




标签: 世界杯

Australia had a bumpy ride through the Asian qualifying groups, losing to Oman and Jordan, En route to finishing second behind Japan to seal a world cup place. >详细>>

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