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Fun with variety

By Donna Mah | China Daily | Updated: 2012-09-17 14:35

In Hong Kong, the varieties of mooncakes are staggering. There are chocolate covered ice cream mooncakes from Haagen-Dazs, gourmet chocolate mooncakes from Jean-Paul Hevin, fresh pineapple daisies mooncakes dipped in chocolate from Edible Arrangements and fun, kid-friendly mooncakes featuring Angry Birds and Maxim's Dip Dip Fun snow-skinned mooncake that can be dipped into warm Hershey's chocolate. Donna Mah

www.haagen-dazs.com.hk, www.jphevin.com.hk, www.ediblearrangements.hk, www.angrybirds.tmall.com, www.maxims.com.hk