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Pigeon, langoustine and cheeks

By Ye Jun | China Daily | Updated: 2013-11-09 08:06

Pigeon, langoustine and cheeks

Guven Uyanik, the new chef of China World Summit Wing's Grill 79, defines his philosophy "cooking without boundaries". Photo provided to China Daily

Uyanik says he has never stopped learning.

His cooking style has benefited from his traveling and includes French, Italian, Turkish and some Asian influences.

"In every country I traveled, I saw different eating habits, different ingredients," he says. He thinks French and Chinese cuisine are very sophisticated in terms of technique, while Japanese and Italian cuisine impress him with great ingredients.

The chef has been in Beijing for three months and he has already drafted a new menu, which will launch in mid-November and includes all his signature dishes: lobster, foie gras and truffle.

While he believes in good plating, Uyanik says his process is simple, and does not taste for looks.

To suit diners in the winter season, the menu has a few winter soups, more hot dishes, more meats and root vegetables. His "hearty dishes" include veal cheek, "his majesty's favorite", referring to a traditional dish in Turkey served to Ottoman sultans.

"It is going to be an interesting dish," he promises.


Grill 79

79/F, China World Summit Wing Beijing, 1 Jianguo Menwai Street, Chaoyang district, Beijing.


Average bill per head: 800 yuan ($133)

Recommended: Roasted Pigeon and Foie Gras, Ravioli of Langoustine and Duet of Australian Beef.


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