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Giving gratitude

By Wang Kaihao and Sun Ye | China Daily | Updated: 2013-12-07 06:53

Giving gratitude

The Thanksgiving event's fine fare is provided by organic farmers and herders, all of whom have been featured in the newspaper's Good Food Diaries that run every Friday. Ouyang Yuancheng / For China Daily

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A Thanksgiving feast hosted by China Daily brings together organic food producers and hotels seeking top-quality fare. Wang Kaihao and Sun Ye get into the table talk.

China Daily is thankful. And its staff loves good food. So its editors celebrated that for which it's grateful at a feast last Thursday at Beijing's Temple restaurant with about 70 food and beverage providers, hoteliers and gourmands.

They dined upon fine fare provided by organic farmers and herders, all of whom have been featured in the newspaper's Good Food Diaries that run every Friday.

Jennifer Yeh from Boulangerie Nanda provided artisan sourdough loaves. They were paired with Fromager de Pekin's cheese plates. The water buffalo mozzarella from Yunnan province was a huge hit.

Organic vegetables came from Dr Shi Yan's CSA cooperative farm.

Pure honey was provided by Song Xuezhou, a beekeeper with hives in suburban Beijing.

Si Guijin filled plates with pork from grain-fed pigs that he slaughters when they're about 18 months old. Racks of lamb came courtesy of Aodawei's Great Green Mountain farm in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

TRB's Michelin Chef Martin Brock put all these ingredients together for a marvelous meal. Nobody even noticed the absence of the traditional turkey.

Mouthfuls were washed down with wines from the Xinjiang Uygur and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions. Handmade black sesame Vivi Dolce gelato was served for desert.

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