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Sandworms, mangrove fruit, king crabs

By Pauline D. Loh | Shanghai Star | Updated: 2014-10-31 14:17


Sandworms, mangrove fruit, king crabs

Mangrove Fruit. [Photo by Pauline D. Loh/Shanghai Star]

Mangrove Fruit

When you visit the nature reserves at the Golden Bay Mangrove Park, you may notice tiny green fruits among the foliage. The enterprising Beihai gourmet loves these. The fruits hide several coin-like cotyledons, and it is these that are soaked in brine and cooked in a variety of ways.

Most commonly, they are stir-fried with the different varieties of clams and whelks that are so plentiful here.

They have a slightly bitter after-taste, but are not too strongly flavored. They are supposed to be very strong anti-oxidants.