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A seasonal feast of spring lamb

By Katerina Stai | China Daily | Updated: 2015-04-02 08:12

Arnaki fournou: oven-roasted lamb

A seasonal feast of spring lamb

This is a Greek classic everyone loves-easy to make and so tasty. Photo provided to China Daily


1.5-2 kg lamb (1 leg)

2-3 cloves of garlic

1-2 lemons (juice)

6 tbsp olive oil

Dried thyme or oregano

2 kg potatoes

Salt, pepper


Wash meat and make slits in several places with the point of a knife and insert slivers of garlic, seasoned with salt and pepper. Peel the potatoes, cut them into quarters and wash. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme or oregano. Arrange potatoes in the pan around the meat and pour with olive oil. Add lemon juice. Roast lamb with potatoes in the oven (220 C) for about 2 hours. Serve with fresh green salad and tzatziki.