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Let's make zongzi

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-06-08 13:47

Let's make zongzi

Wraping glutinous rice and stuffings with reed leaves to make zongzi. [Photos Provided to China Daily]

Zongzi are to the Dragon Boat Festival what eggs are to Easter or roses to Valentine's Day. If the materials are available to you, it is quite possible for you to make zongzi at home; both for pleasure and maybe also to honor the great poet.

Tips for making zongzi:

Soak the bamboo leaves in hot water and wipe each one with a damp cloth.

Season the meats generously with good quality soy sauce. The long cooking process leaches the salt and dilutes the flavors.

After the dumplings are boiled for the requisite time, hang them up to drip dry. They must be completely dry before you store them away.

Relax, have fun, don't worry. It's all edible, even if they don't look all that good.

Special coverage: Your guide to the Dragon Boat Festival

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