Lifestyle / Health

Mass fainting occurs at garment factory in northwestern Cambodia

[2012-08-16 10:04]

At least 50 garment workers at the M&V manufacturing factory in Kampong Chhnang province got fainted and were admitted to hospitals due to overwork and exhaustion.

Nigeria to adopt new HIV preventive measures

[2012-08-16 09:29]

Nigeria is to adopt the new technology for the prevention of HIV transmission, especially among discordant couples.

China to enforce blacklist for unsafe drugs

[2012-08-16 09:15]

Regulations that call for the blacklisting of manufacturers of unsafe medication will go into effect in October.

British study says fat in chocolate could be replaced with fruit juice

[2012-08-15 09:34]

A British study said that scientists have found a way to replace the fat content in chocolate with fruit juice while maintaining the "mouth-feel".

Australian university conducts new research into drug-free therapy for alcoholics

[2012-08-14 15:59]

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is conducting research into a new drug-free treatment helping alcohol-dependent people.

Report predicts rapid chronic disease growth in China

[2012-08-14 15:27]

Chronic diseases will experience rapid development in China, as the number of patients is expected to triple or even quadruple in the coming two decades.

India witnesses sharp decline in HIV cases

[2012-08-14 15:24]

India announced that the country had witnessed a sharp decline in the number of new HIV cases -- a 56 percent drop -- in the past 10 years.

Seven anthrax cases confirmed in NE China

[2012-08-14 15:22]

Seven cases of cutaneous anthrax have been confirmed in northeast China's Liaoning province.

Indonesia reports 9th birdflu death this year

[2012-08-14 15:21]

A 37-year Indonesian man has died of avian influenza in Yogyakarta province of Indonesia, bringing the total fatality to 9 this year.

Bus drivers tested for drugs as holiday exodus begins in Indonesia

[2012-08-14 15:19]

The Indonesian Health Ministry has started testing bus drivers for drug and alcohol use and general fitness.

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease kills 8 in central China

[2012-08-14 15:05]

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) sickened 17,058 people and killed 8 in July in central China's Hunan province.

Consuming flavanol-rich cocoa may enhance brain function

[2012-08-14 15:04]

Eating cocoa flavanols daily may help improve mild cognitive impairment.

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