Survey: 47% couples happy with sex life

Updated: 2006-07-06 07:06

By Darren Lam(HK Edition)

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A survey by Caritas, Hong Kong found that only 46.9 per cent of the Hongkongers were happy with their sex life, even as the birth rate touched a record low.

Of the total 277 respondents, 142 or over 51 per cent believe physiological problems have been the greatest obstacle to their sex life. Both sexes face a sex velleity and orgasm problem apart from early ejaculation and inadequate secretion.

Vicious cycle between sexual problems and frequency of sex was cited by 35.1 per cent of the interviewees.

Long working hours and tremendous pressure at workplace are the second reason spoiling sex life. Besides, there are other reasons leading to marital unhappiness which in turn affects sex life especially among the group aged 26-45.

And 36.8 per cent and 29.7 per cent believe inadequate sex and poor sexual coordination are crucial factors in sex life.

Among the respondents, 45.5 per cent of couples try not to discuss it which directly leads to differences in attitude towards sex life.

Besides, the ways how the couples try to encounter these problems were also the subject of the research.

Among the respondents, 68.3 per cent of the problem couples have never sought help because of their lack of understanding in sex therapy.

Spokesmen for Caritas, Mrs Lai pointed out that couples' relation and sex were closely related. It is essential for the Hong Kong couples to know the importance of sex life.

"Sex perception, skills and knowledge will be main lessons for the couples," added Lai. "Respect, communication and coordination are also solutions to the differences in the sexual expectation."

(HK Edition 07/06/2006 page2)