Dual citizenship won't affect duties: new under secretary

Updated: 2008-06-03 07:39

By Peggy Chan(HK Edition)

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The new under secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs said yesterday he saw no problem in taking up the role of acting secretary in the absence of the secretary, even before his British citizenship is terminated.

Raymond Tam Chi-yuen made the remark at the Central Government Offices as he and Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Gregory So Kam-leung reported for duty yesterday.

The two under secretaries applied to give up their foreign citizenship before assuming office yesterday.

"First, it is my job and necessary (for me to take up the role). Second, it complies with the provisions of the Basic Law," Tam said.

He added he would not feel awkward meeting mainland officials while he is still holding a foreign passport.

Tam said he applied to renounce his British citizenship last week, but the British Consulate-General said it would generally take several months to complete the application.

Meanwhile, he said he felt nervous about switching from being a civil servant to being an official under the accountability system.

His priority would be to obtain social consensus on the election machinery of the elections of Legislative Council and Chief Executive in 2012.

Gregory So, who declared last Thursday that he was giving up his Canadian citizenship, expressed his excitement over his new post and being able to serve the public.

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Stephen Lam maintained that it is legal under the Basic Law for under secretaries and political assistants to hold dual citizenship.

There had been cases of officials whose posts had no nationality restrictions standing in for heads of disciplined forces and that complied with the Basic Law, he added.

Three other appointed under secretaries hold foreign passports.

Appointed Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Julia Leung Fung-yee holds a British passport, while appointed Under Secretary for Food and Health Gabriel Leung holds a Canadian passport.

Appointed Under Secretary for the Environment , Kitty Poon Kit also admitted to having American citizenship.

None of them have indicated whether they would give up their foreign citizenship.

(HK Edition 06/03/2008 page1)