HK, Guangdong set air quality target

Updated: 2008-12-19 07:41

By Peggy Chan(HK Edition)

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Hong Kong and Guangdong governments yesterday expressed confidence in achieving joint emissions reduction targets by 2010. The two governments will also set new targets after 2010.

Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau said this after the ninth meeting of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development & Environmental Protection yesterday.

In 2002, the joint working group arrived at a consensus to cut the emission of four major air pollutants, volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particles, by 20 to 55 percent in eight years.

"We have made good progress toward the 2010 target," Yau said, pointing out that the emission of three out of four pollutants have been under control.

As for the remaining sulphur dioxide, the SAR government has set stringent emission ceiling for the two electricity companies.

Yau pointed out next year would be a critical year to review the progress in improving air quality and he looked forward to new emission reduction target after 2010.

During the meeting officials from the two governments discussed on the implementation of the joint project of transforming the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region into a green and quality living area.

"Both parties agreed to gain support for the project in the country's 12th Five-Year Plan," Yau said.

He also added the joint working group would work with related departments and enterprises in promoting the project.

Meanwhile, over 100 Hong Kong-owned factories in the PRD region are expected to join the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme next year.

Launched in April this year, the five-year program facilitates energy saving and emission reduction by providing funds to these factories.

Around 60 to 100 factories have participated in the program.

Director-General of Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau Li Qing admitted the financial turmoil has made it difficult for the enterprises to maintain clean environment.

(HK Edition 12/19/2008 page1)