Former leader denies wrongdoing in land deal

Updated: 2009-03-05 07:39

(HK Edition)

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 Former leader denies wrongdoing in land deal

Taiwan's former leader Chen Shui-bian leaves the Taipei District Court handcuffed for his corruption trial at Tucheng detention center yesterday. AFP

TAIPEI: Taiwan's detained former leader yesterday denied taking bribes at a hearing into a high-profile corruption case implicating him and his family. Among the charges are bribery allegations against Chen Shui-bian stemming from a land deal surrounding construction of an industrial park in northern Taiwan.

Chen, who has been in custody since December on graft and other charges, defended himself at a pre-trial hearing yesterday.

Prosecutors allege that the Koo's Group secured billions of Taiwan dollars in illegal benefits from selling land to the government for the industrial park development after giving NT$400 million ($11.42 million) to Chen and his wife Wu Shu-chen.

Wu has admitted taking NT$200 million which she insisted was intended as a political donation.

"Regarding the Lungtan case, my wife has repeatedly said the money she had received was a political donation, not a kickback," Chen, 59, said.

He said he had no knowledge of his wife's taking money anyway. He cited statements by witness Jeffrey Koo Jr, former vice chairman of Chinatrust Financial Holding Co.

"From what Koo said, they knew I was absolutely not involved in the Lungtan case ... I knew nothing about money until December when the indictment paper was unveiled," he said.

Chen is also accused of embezzlement, money laundering, influence peddling and extortion. He has categorically denied any wrongdoing. The former leader could face life in prison if convicted on all counts.

Fourteen people have been charged in the case. Eleven have pleaded guilty to a variety of offenses. Among those entering guilty pleas are Wu and the Chens' son and daughter-in-law, who have pleaded guilty to money laundering.

Some legal experts have expressed concern about the handling of Chen's case, including the decision to detain him ahead of his trial and to change the presiding judge.


(HK Edition 03/05/2009 page1)