Master guaranteed life past 90: Gong

Updated: 2009-06-09 07:41

By Irene Chan(HK Edition)

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HONG KONG: The Court of First Instance yesterday saw Molly Gong transformed from a frail figure tearfully recalling conversations with her late sister to a woman of fiery wrath as she spoke about fung shui expert Tony Chan's role in her sister's life.

Gong wept as she quoted her late sister's words in Shanghainese "Molly, don't be frightened. He has already done so many things for me (regarding my illness)".

"My master guaranteed I can live till my nineties at least (because) he is able to communicate with the God in heaven," she continued.

Tensions grew between Molly Gong and counsel for Chan, Ian Mill, when Gong sometimes gave indirect or even lengthy non-responsive answers so that Mill had to keep bringing her back to his original question.

Justice Johnson Lam reminded Gong to provide factual information in brief in order to facilitate immediate translation and to avoid unwanted distortions.

Gong's mood edged to near fury when she regarded a 2006 medical report from Singapore citing her sister's health as "medically well". She struck the table with her hand when Mill accused her of exaggerating her sister's sickness at that time. She countered that counsel focused only on particular words.

"The word 'well' refers to relatively well ... There are differences in interpretations from the medical and legal fields. "You (counsel for Chan) were not there (at that time). How could you know (her actual health status)?" she said.

Gong will continue her evidence today.

(HK Edition 06/09/2009 page1)