More historic buildings set for renewal

Updated: 2009-08-29 07:55

By Joseph Li(HK Edition)

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HONG KONG: A second lot of five historic buildings has been chosen by the government for revitalization under a partnership scheme with non-profit organizations.

Among the five buildings is the cluster of houses in Wan Chai district. The list was revealed by Commissioner for Heritage Jack Chan at a press conference.

The Wan Chai cluster comprises the Blue House (built in 1923-1925), Yellow House (built in 1922-1925) and Orange House (built in 1957). The aggregate floor space is 930 square meters. The houses are considered suitable for educational facilities, as a visitor center or for recreation or welfare facilities.

The houses will be the first of the revitalization projects to retain both the original character of the building and the existing tenants. That's 13 households and shops, Chan said.

For the benefit of tenants, a people-oriented approach will be adopted. The successful applicant will be required to improve the living environment and strengthen the community network.

To safeguard tenants from exorbitantly high rents, the new owner will not be permitted to set the rents above current rates. Later adjustments will be governed by the composite price index, he added.

Also on the list is the old Tai Po Police Station, back for the second round after the first round of bids failed to elicit a successful application.

The government has included some smaller buildings this time. Small scale organizations had earlier expressed a wish to take part in the revitalization programs.

Non-profit organizations registered under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance are eligible to apply, including overseas-based groups. In the first round of bidding, the former North Kowloon Magistracy was awarded to Savannah College of Art and Design from the USA. The remaining three buildings among the second lot are the former Fanling Magistracy, the Old House at Wong Uk Village, and the Stone Houses at Junction Road, Kowloon.

To enable the public to get to know about these historic buildings before revitalization, they will be opened September 14-18.

(HK Edition 08/29/2009 page1)