Citybus and New World First Bus Advertising -- an innovative multi-sensory passenger treat

Updated: 2009-09-29 08:01

(HK Edition)

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 Citybus and New World First Bus Advertising -- an innovative multi-sensory passenger treat

Elaine Chan thinks of advertisements, whether placed on buses or in bus shelters, as a platform for creative marketing

Sounding like an excited new penthouse tenant, Elaine exclaims, "Well, I'd like to see the spectacular sea view along the Island Eastern Corridor from the windows! Here I'd want to install a LCD TV for watching the latest leisure updates in an air-conditioned environment. Here I'd want to have a coffee machine to blend the best coffee that stimulates taste buds; that will be great!"

"I'd like to have a Wi-Fi setup hidden in the stairs leading to the upper floor so that I can go online via my cell phone or portable computer. Down on the floor, I'd want the best anti-slip paving there."

However, Elaine is talking about a bus. The spectacular views and varied amenities she effusively listed are not exclusive to high-end, high-rise residences. In fact, you can experience all of these by riding New World First Bus or Citybus for only a few dollars, rather than for millions. For a taste of the mellow coffee, you can just grab one at the covered bus shelters that are equipped with a coffee machine-for free!

These are some of the visionary changes-with a clear accent on sensuous comfort and engagement-in bus advertising that Ms Elaine Chan, the Deputy Head of Corporate Communication of Citybus and NWFB, is striving to bring to Hong Kong's bus business.

Integrated Marketing Communications system to maintain a balanced structure

To implement such changes requires a comprehensive, forward-looking strategy, in which the IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) system plays a key role. "We are fusing our operating strategies with the Integrated Marketing Communications system to satisfy the needs of all strata of society", Elaine said.

Citybus and New World First Bus Advertising -- an innovative multi-sensory passenger treat

"This system includes customer service, advertising, event marketing, community relations, media relations and lobbying. As the advertisements can be inside the bus, including on the interior multi-media platform, and on the exterior body of the buses and at the bus shelters, we have a unique advantage in terms of promoting our bus services, as well as in furthering our communications objectives," she explained.

Advertising is impersonal?

Which of these is the most effective tool of communications? Elaine believes that each of them forms an integral part of communications. "If we focus on only advertising, the bus services will be uninviting and impersonal," she says, alluding to the importance of passenger convenience and comfort.

Hot coffee as a cool idea

Advertising at bus shelters is widely perceived to be static, flat and one-way communication. In fact, bus shelters are becoming much more dynamic and interactive. Case in point: the fully automated McCafe is creating a niche for itself next to the advertising panels at selected bus shelters to serve the passersby a cup of McCafe coffee (that comes with a coupon ejected into the cup, which can be redeemed at designated McCafe branches).

The right way to become 'well-heeled'

Previously, a wealth management company Convoy turned bus shelters into large transparent boxes filled with stacks of high-heeled shoes. Visually resonating with the popular query "How many decades are there in one's life?" by Chai Kau Gor in highly-rated and popular TVB show, it suggests women should capture investment and wealth management opportunities instead of spending so much money on high heels.

Vincy Chan @ New World First Bus Wi-Fi

Citybus and New World First Bus Advertising -- an innovative multi-sensory passenger treat

New World First Bus and Citybus continue to explore new bus advertising media. "In July, we officially launched "Webus" which allows passengers to experience the fun of Wi-Fi online inside the buses", Elaine said.

"Passengers need only enter commands at the back of the seats to view the promotional MV snapshots of Vincy Chan, a Hong Kong singer who launched an album earlier, through personal Wi-Fi cell phones or portable computers."

Network of buses to battle the financial crisis

In the midst of the financial crisis, many companies have had to become more selective with their advertising budgeting. "Pedestrians on their way to work and to school will see the advertisements placed on the body of the buses and in the bus shelters, whether they are taking the bus or not. With our network of buses traveling around various places, the impact is very strong", Elaine explained. For those SMEs that are more cost conscious, advertising packages at competitive prices are offered.

The point-to-point points scored by buses

"New World First Bus and Citybus do not intend to compete with the MTR in marketing budgeting as adversaries. We have a different direction in our marketing strategies, namely emotional marketing to leverage our point-to-point and window-view advantages to attract passengers who love a ride that offers these," Elaine noted.

Growing strong in the face of adversity

Citybus and New World First Bus Advertising -- an innovative multi-sensory passenger treat

Elaine says, "The key to success is to take things seriously and be responsible. I believe in the saying 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going.'"

Elaine also told us that whether youngsters can move up depends on others' confidence in them. For those who only work smart but do not work hard, they will usually miss a lot details and make mistakes at work."

Establish interpersonal network by joining activities

Elaine encourages marketing employees to pursue further education and participate in activities organized by different professional associations. She pointed out that she frequently participated in these associations and alumni activities to establish her interpersonal network.

Where PR interfaces with FIR

As the public utilities sector runs 24/7, its public relations and marketing jobs are pretty busy. Communication with her husband and other family members is crucial, Elaine explained. She likes a number of singers including Khali Fong, Mayday, FIR, Kay Tse-in particular Taiwanese singers and bands. Through listening to their music, she finds peace in her soul.

Elaine also loves to sing. When she was studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she was the New Asia College Folk Song Club Chairperson and joined singing performances with classmates. She has continued her hobby and goes to karaoke during her leisure time to ease stress.

Ms Elaine Chan is the Deputy Head of Corporate Communication, Citybus Limited and New World First Bus Services Limited.

She is also an Honorary Member of HKIM, 2008/09.

(HK Edition 09/29/2009 page3)