Shot in the arm for financial market

Updated: 2011-08-18 09:10

By George Ng(HK Edition)

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 Shot in the arm for financial market

Close bonds

 Vice-premier Li Keqiang offi ciates at the launching of the renminbi sovereign bonds in Hong Kong on Wednesday. Edmond Tang / China Daily

Shot in the arm for financial market

Shot in the arm for financial market

Shot in the arm for financial market

Shot in the arm for financial market

 Shot in the arm for financial market

On the pulse

Donning a floor trader's vest bearing the number 6632 given to him as a souvenir, Vice-Premier Li waves to brokers and other staffff members on the trading flfloor of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx). The vice-premier was greeted with a burst of applause as he arrived, accompanied by Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen. He was received by HKEx Chairman Ronald Arculli and Chief Executive Charles Li Xiaojia. Ren Haixia / China News Service

Shot in the arm for financial market

(HK Edition 08/18/2011 page2)