HK as 'super connector'

Updated: 2015-09-25 09:36

By Staff Writer(HK Edition)

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President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States, the first since he became head of state of China, is closely observed by nations around the world. The significance of his US visit is all too obvious, given the current world situation. The health of the Sino-US relations is particularly crucial to the rest of the international community because China and the US are the two largest economies with matching political influences. At a time when the global economy is struggling to recover from the last financial crisis, all eyes are on Xi's meeting with US President Barack Obama. The reason is very simple: The two countries' friendly relations are vital to world peace and economic recovery.

Like his predecessors in recent history, Xi brought with him a large contingent of top Chinese business leaders as well as senior government officials in charge of economic and trade affairs on this US trip. Those corporate heavyweights and national policymakers are expected to seal business and trade deals with their US counterparts to boost bilateral exchanges and global relations.

What role may Hong Kong play in Sino-US relations as well as strengthening ties between the country and the outside world? Hong Kong is a free and open economy and a special administrative region of China with unparalleled autonomy. The central government does what is necessary policy-wise to enhance the country's economic and trade ties with other countries. But it is not obligated to do Hong Kong businesses any special favors. After all, the latter already enjoy the same preferential treatment as their foreign competitors do in the mainland market.

That said, Hong Kong is in a much better position to benefit from the country's growing economic and trade ties with the outside world than foreign businesses because it plays a unique role as a "super connector".

Simultaneously, the Hong Kong SAR will continue to contribute to national development, particularly in promoting and facilitating the country's "going overseas" strategy. Official efforts aside, the city's numerous private think tanks established by some well-intentioned, prominent leaders of the local business community have made a great deal of efforts to enhance mutual understanding, as well as to promote goodwill, between the Chinese mainland and the Western world over the years.

With the country's latest efforts to become a fully involved player in the world through various endeavors, such as the "Belt and Road" strategic initiative, Hong Kong will no doubt find a larger arena for its "super connector" role.

(HK Edition 09/25/2015 page11)