Working together for cleaner air

Updated: 2016-01-06 09:56

(HK Edition)

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The Environmental Protection Department's latest air quality report indicated a slight improvement in the air quality of Hong Kong last year. The concentrations of nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone and respirable suspended particulates were lower than in 2014, although carbon monoxide did rise by 5 percent. There were fewer days when the Air Quality and Health Index was at "high" level or over, compared to 2014.

This is one issue where former US president John F. Kennedy's famous exhortation - "Ask not what the country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" - is applicable. To effectively tackle the persistent air pollution problem, the government cannot do it all. It needs the crucial cooperation of all residents.

We are now blaming our northern neighbors for air pollution but must come to grips with the reality that the main sources of the current pollution are locally generated - in particular, from motor vehicles. And we must accept that the government cannot simply disperse our population concentration to the non-existent suburbs as in the US. So what do we do?

Perhaps we should start by asking: Do you really need a car? The answer for the vast majority of Hong Kong residents is undoubtedly "no", considering the compact size of the city and the world-class public transport network of many modes.

But if you must, choose a car of the right capacity. A single person does not need a large-sized car with a large engine. Forming a car pool with your friends or neighbors will help to reduce the pollution by simply reducing the number of vehicles on the roads. And don't forget the concurrent financial savings it will afford all participants.

Fuel combustion from car engines emits nitrogen oxides and suspended particulates, which cause air pollution. These air pollutants are particularly dangerous as they tend to be trapped in the deadly jungle of skyscrapers in Hong Kong.

Beyond the immediate health benefits it will bring to residents, better air quality will no doubt enhance Hong Kong's economic competitiveness - as the city is more likely to lure more talent and investment to its shores.

(HK Edition 01/06/2016 page9)