Population and Environment About  Jiangxi Province
2011-08-01 11:13:40      来源:中国日报网

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Jiangxi Province, praised for “a land endowed with rich natural resources and outstanding intelligent people”. lies on the southern bank of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River . Ganjiang River ---the largest and longest river in the province, flows through the whole area from south to north, so Jiangxi is abbreviated to “Gan”. Jiangxi covers a total area of 166,900 square kilometers and has a population of 43 million.

Jiangxi is a place with gorgeous ancient civilization and glorious revolutionary tradition, and it's also the cradle of the Chinese Revolution. Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi had ever organized and mobilized workers' movements in Anyuan, Pin-gxiang city, which is the earliest movement of China . Zhou Enlai, ZhuDe and other older generation of revolutionaries led the August First Uprising in Nanchang , which astonished all the nation. MaoZedong set up the rural revolutionary base in Jinggang Mt. of China, It's famous as “The Red City”.

The province is surrounded on three sides by mountains and hills, with hilly lands occupying its central part and a vast plain lying on the northern part. The five major waterways are the Ganjiang, Fuhe, Xinjiang, Xiuhe and Raohe Rivers, all drain into the Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China.

Jiangxi enjoys a subtropic humid monsoon climate.The annual mean temperature is 16-20° C. The annual average rainfall is 1200-1900 mm.

The province possesses green mountains and clear waters. Mt.Lushan, Mt. Jinggang and Mt.Longhu are all national major famous scenic areas, especially Mt. Lushan Scenic Area is a summer resort renowned both at home and abroad. There are also many other famous tourist attractions, like Dragon Palace Cave with fantastic scenery. Jiangxi is also a province with revolutionary tradition, where the August 1 Nanchang Uprising had taken place.


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