2007-10-31 17:31

Chapter XI

Party Emblem and Flag

Article 51. The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a design of sickle and hammer.

Article 52. The flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag highlighted by a golden Party emblem on it.

Article 53. The Party emblem and flag are the symbol and sign of the Communist Party of China. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members shall safeguard the sanctity of the Party emblem and flag. Party emblems and flags should be made and used according to regulations.

第十一章 党徽党旗

第五十一条 中国共产党党徽为镰刀和锤头组成的图案。

第五十二条 中国共产党党旗为旗面缀有金黄色党徽图案的红旗。

第五十三条 中国共产党的党徽党旗是中国共产党的象征和标志。党的各级组织和每一个党员都要维护党徽党旗的尊严。要按照规定制作和使用党徽党旗。

(编辑:王晶 来源:新华)

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