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Former senior legislator in court on corruption charges

2010-04-26 14:40
ZHENGZHOU: Zhu Zhigang, a former director of the Budgetary Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, appeared in court on corruption charges Monday.

Prosecutors of Xinyang City, in the central Henan Province, allege Zhu helped others to secure profits, and obtain loans and appointments to public positions by taking advantage of his posts as assistant finance minister and deputy finance minister from January 2000 to March 2008.

In return, he accepted bribes in money and goods worth more than 7.44 million yuan (US$1.09 million), prosecutors said.

The Xinyang Intermediate People's Court handled the case. The trial was open to the public and the media.

No ruling has been issued.

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