News >Bizchina

China gets 1.5b cu m Turkmenistan gas in H1

2010-07-01 11:13

BEIJING: State-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has pumped more than 1.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Turkmenistan to China as of June 27, China Petroleum Daily reported on Thursday.

CNPC plans to send 3 billion cubic meters of gas to China this year from the Amu Darya natural gas project on the right bank of the Amu Darya River in Turkmenistan, the newspaper reported, citing Chen Huailong, an official at CNPC Amu Darya River Natural Gas Corporation.

Gas travels nearly 2,000 kilometers through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan before entering Chinese territory in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur autonous region.

China and central Asian countries opened in late last year their first cross border natural gas pipeline, which will be able to pump up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas to China by 2012-13.

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