News >Bizchina

China drafts 8 measures to narrow income gap

2010-12-08 17:32

China's top economic planner has revealed specific measures to improve the income distribution system without giving the release date for the long-awaited official reform plan.

Ji Ning, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission's (NDRC) employment and income distribution division, talked about the eight reform measures during an interview with

Some of the eight measures are focused on jobs and income, including job creation, salary hikes, restricting monopolistic industries' pay level and increasing farmers' income. They also aim to strengthen tax adjustment and distribution.

Some are more focused on public service and social security, such as investments to improve people's livelihood, improving the social security network and enhancing income distribution transparency.

Together, these shed some light on China's direction in narrowing the income gap.

As for when the reform will officially take place and in what form, the final say lies in the State Council, Ji said.

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