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US stock market gives China's IPO cold shoulder

2011-07-22 15:26

Chinese Internet companies are facing a dim future if they're hoping to list in the US, reported on Friday.

Shenzhen-based Xunlei Ltd, a Chinese online video site, announced it will indefinitely postpone its initial public offering (IPO) on the Nasdaq, which was previously scheduled for Thursday.

An insider said it is doubtful that investors in the US would have given Xunlei a warm welcome after the weak performances of the subscribed China concept shares in the past year, the website reported.

Xunlei booked $47 million in sales over the last 12 months and had JPMorgan and Deutsche Securities set as the lead underwriters on the deal. Still, the company pulled its plans to list on the Nasdaq because of the market's poor outlook.

Li Zhi, a senior analyst at Analysys International, said Chinese companies have missed the best time to list on the US stock market. Li said it will be very difficult for enterprises to be successfully listed in the following month, according to the report.

Though the performance of China concept shares have improved recently, a number of accounting scandals have damaged the credibility of US-listed Chinese companies, the website reported.

After Xunlei's retreat, Cloudary Corporation (READ), an online community-driven literary platform in China, also announced it will postpone it's IPO in the US stock market, according to the website.

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