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Beijing to ban indoor public smoking

2010-07-01 11:45

Beijing plans to revise the Regulation on Banning Smoking in all Public Spaces issued in 1995, in a move to include all indoor public spaces in the smoking ban, Beijing Evening News reported Wednesday.

The revision will create a smoking ban on all indoor public spaces starting January 1, 2011, as proposed by the World Health Organization in its Framework Convention on Tobacco Control that came into effect in 2005.

In Beijing's upcoming revision, experts recommend expanding the range of places covered in the smoking ban. Besides public spaces like medical institutions, schools, hotels and restaurants, working places such as offices, corridors, elevators and washing rooms may also be included in the smoking ban. What's more, there will be no smoking section in indoor public spaces.

Violators of the updated regulation will suffer more severe punishments, as experts consider the current fine, 10 yuan for one person and 1000-5000 yuan for the unit, to be too "mild".

Currently 52 percent residents' health in the capital are affected by some 3 million with the smoking habit.

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