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Expo visitor number totals 23 million

2010-07-07 10:00

A total of 423,000 visitors packed the Expo site on July 5, bringing the total number of visitors to more than 23.06 million since the opening of the Expo on May 1.

Among Monday's visitors, 167,000 were on tour groups and 49,956 visitors used free tickets Shanghai government distributed to local residents.

A total of 49,185 tickets were sold on site, with 15,044 night admissions.

According to the Expo Bureau's Ticketing Centre, some 180,000 group visitors will visit the site Tuesday.

Expo ticket outlets have been established at 10 gates of the Expo site, such as Bailianjing, Gaoke Rd W., Shangnan Rd and Luban Rd, promising sufficient supply of standard day admissions and evening admissions. Automatic ticket machines accepting credit card payments instantly were set up at Shangnan Rd, Madang Rd, and Xizang Rd S. gates for the convenience of visitors.

On Monday, Houtan Gate received about 76,000 visitors, Shangnan Rd 70,000, Changqing Road and Gaoke Road W. about 121,000 in total.

Individual tourists are advised to enter from less crowded Madang Rd, Shangnan Rd, or Bansongyuan Rd gates during 9 to 11am morning rush hours.

A total of 65 shows were staged by 5pm within the site, attracting 57,500 spectators, and 6,263 volunteers served at the site.

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