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Two child traffickers sentenced to death

2010-09-28 16:25

Two people involved in abducting and selling 40 children have been sentenced to death for human trafficking in East China's Fujian province, Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday.

Li Diji and Wu Suiqing, along with a number of accomplices, kidnapped children from Sichuan and other provinces before selling them in the rural areas of Anxi county in Fujian for 30,000 yuan ($4,500) to 40,000 yuan each.

The Quanzhou Intermediate People's Court in Fujian found Li was involved in trafficking 23 children and Wu 17. The court also ruled the two be deprived of political rights for life and their entire property be confiscated.

A total of 11 other people were also convicted by the court in cases involving a total of 46 children.

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