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Special Coverage: Pkaistan Floods

2010-08-16 19:14




The worst floods in decades in Pakistan have left millions without clean water, food and homes. The U.N. has reported the first case of cholera and warned of other imminent waterborne diseases, including typhoid fever, shigellosis and hepatitis A and E, and vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue. Aid agencies, like Save the Children, have already seen cases pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria.

Heavy rain lashed the makeshift camps housing Pakistan's flood survivors Monday and authorities warned of more flooding this week, adding to the urgency of the massive international relief effort. 



UN chief shocked by Pakistan flooding


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Sunday he has never seen anything like the flood disaster in Pakistan after surveying the devastation and urged foreign donors to speed up assistance to the 20 million people affected.

Chinese safe in Pakistan: Ambassador


Pakistan has called on Chinese enterprises to continue making investments in the floods-ravaged country, and vowed security for Chinese workers there would be beefed-up, said a Pakistani official on Friday.

Disease outbreak risk grows 

Disease outbreaks pose new risks to victims of Pakistan's worst floods in decades, aid agencies said on Friday, potentially hindering relief efforts.

China offers new aid to Pakistan 

China Friday announced new emergency humanitarian aid worth 50 million yuan ($7.35 million) to flood-hit Pakistan.

UN warns of 2nd wave of  flood deaths 

The United Nations appealed on Wednesday for $459 million in aid for flood-hit Pakistan, warning of a second wave of death among sick, hungry survivors unless help arrived quickly.

1.5 million people evacuated


Officials issued new flood warnings while the UN made a worldwide appeal for the 13.8 million victims of one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent history.

 more more 


Special Coverage: Pkaistan Floods

Flood-hit Pakistan struggles to cope 

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