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9/11 commissioner says al-Qaida still a threat

2011-09-08 16:32

Ten years after the deadly Sept 11 attacks of 2001, though the death of Osama bin Laden and the leaders of terrorist organizations greatly weakened, the United States will not withdraw from their actions against terrorism, a former member of 9/11 commission and US Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer said during an interview.

Roemer said bin Laden's death does not mean the disappearance of al-Qaida as the terrorist network is still recruiting and expanding its global reach, posing a threat to US security and even to China and India.

He warns the US should be alert to radicals within America who might merge with the international terrorist organization.

But Roemer also implies that US counter terrorism work is still not good enough, saying that 9 of all the 41 suggestions in the 9/11 commission report proposed in 2001 have not been completed yet.

Roemer suggests that the biggest priority at the moment is for Congress reform to authorize the Director of National Intelligence to take charge of the counter terrorism work. He said the move could also help to cut down expenses.

Roemer also believed that it's important and a benefit for China and the US to work together in fighting against terrorism. And he hopes the two countries can make great progress in the future.

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