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APEC to give ties with US shot in the arm

By Cheng Guangjin and Michelle Fei | China Daily | Updated: 2011-11-09 08:05

APEC to give ties with US shot in the arm

WASHINGTON - The upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum will help improve Sino-US relations and promote regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, analysts said.

Amid recent tension over trade and China's exchange rate, President Hu Jintao will meet US President Barack Obama at the 19th annual APEC forum in Hawaii over the weekend.

Topics at the forum will include economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region, integration of regional economies, environmentally conscious growth and energy security, said Zhang Yesui, Chinese ambassador to the US.

"The success of the meeting will be important in promoting regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific area and facilitating world economic recovery and growth," Zhang said on Monday.

Started on Wednesday, hosted by Obama and US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, APEC is a forum for 21 member economies in the Asia-Pacific region to promote trade and economic cooperation. This year's forum, Zhang said, is being held during a slow global economic recovery and increasing instability and risks in financial markets.

"The Asia-Pacific area is the most energetic area in the world economy, but it also faces many difficulties and challenges," Zhang said, noting that "its member economies are developing at different levels".

"China is willing to increase coordination and cooperation with other APEC member economies to achieve practical results from the meeting," Zhang said.

"I will say that broadly, the focus on the Asia-Pacific region reflects this president's commitment to this country's economic future," White House spokesman Jay Carney said at a regular news conference on Monday.

"And it goes right on the economic front to our - his goal, rather - to double our exports and increase our trade, specifically with the countries in the Asia-Pacific region," Carney said.

Yan Xuetong, dean of the Institute of Modern International Relations at Tsinghua University, said different development levels of member economies should be taken into consideration.

He said China has been gradually taking more international responsibilities.

At the forum, Hu will meet Obama for the 11th time since Obama took office, which will come shortly after their meeting at the G20 summit held in France earlier this month.

Yan predicted that the meeting will be positive and said it will improve Sino-US ties, which have been strained recently over issues such as bilateral trade.

The US Commerce Department is expected to decide on Wednesday whether to launch an investigation into Chinese solar exports, which could add to friction before the forum.

Officials from both countries have emphasized on many occasions the importance of promoting dialogue and communication.

Yan, however, expressed concern that an improvement of ties will only be effective over "the short term" due to the complexities of Sino-US relations.

Xinhua contributed to this story.

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