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Iran to build new nuclear power plant

By Agencies in Teheran | China Daily | Updated: 2012-05-28 08:01


Iran is to build a new nuclear power plant, alongside its sole existing one in the southern city of Bushehr, by early 2014, state television reported on Sunday, quoting the head of the country's Atomic Energy Organization.

"Iran will build a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant in Bushehr next year," the television quoted Fereydoon Abbasi Davani as saying. He was referring to the Iranian calendar year running from March 2013 to March 2014.

The Mehr news agency suggested the timeline could be longer, quoting Abbasi Davani as saying: "We will begin plans for a 1,000-megawatt plant in Bushehr next year." He said foreign contractors would be needed for its construction.

The Mehr and ISNA news agencies both reported another nuclear plant was also planned and could be built in coming years.

ISNA quoted Abbasi Davani as saying that designs for a 360-megawatt facility in Darkhovin, near Bushehr, "have been finished and we are reviewing it."

The current Bushehr nuclear plant was started by German engineers in the 1970s, before Iran's Islamic revolution, and was completed by Russia, which continues to help keeping it running and provides fuel for it. Inauguarated in 2010, it is due to come fully on-line in November this year.

In addition, Iran has a research reactor operating in Tehran that is used to make medical isotopes for patients with cancer and other illnesses.

A new Bushehr plant would boost electricity production in Iran.

State television made its announcement in the wake of talks in Baghdad on Wednesday and Thursday between Iran and world powers that focused on Teheran's controversial nuclear program.

Those talks almost collapsed because of the very different positions held by the two sides, but agreement was finally reached to hold another round in Moscow on June 18-19.

Iran insists its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful and aimed at producing energy and medical isotopes.

The world powers the Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States suspect the program could include work towards developing a nuclear weapons capability, and they have backed UN Security Council resolutions demanding Iran curb its activities.

President's address

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged the country's newly-elected parliament on Sunday to stand with him against "evil ones" who he says have encircled the nation.

The president's address to the opening session of the parliament was seen as an appeal to conservative opponents who crushed Ahmadinejad's allies in voting that ended earlier this month.

"Today, evils have been mobilized from all directions to put the Iranian nation under pressure. Removing and resisting the pressures, and cooperation, are the main priority today," Ahmadinejad told lawmakers without elaboration. State TV broadcast the speech live.

Iran faces sanctions from Western nations that accuse it of trying to develop nuclear weapons technology. Iran denies the charges.

Long-stalled negotiations between Teheran and six world powers on Iran's nuclear program have recently revived, with the countries agreeing to talks in Moscow in June after earlier discussions last week in Baghdad.

Ahmadinejad and the conservatives share similar views on foreign policy, but disagree on economic issues. The president lost their support when he was perceived to challenge the supremacy of the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last year.

Ahmadinejad also asked legislators not to intervene in his areas of authority. "Any effort to intervene in other's affairs will not serve the country. This is only devastating," said Ahmadinejad.

Over the past months, both the president and the parliament have blamed each other for exceeding their respective mandates.

Lawmakers say the president ignores bills passed by the parliament. Ahmadinejad says the parliament totally changes government-proposed bills.


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