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Cuba to lift broad travel restrictions

By Agencies in Havana | China Daily | Updated: 2012-10-17 07:52

Cuba will scrap travel restrictions starting in January, easing most Cubans' exit and return, state media said on Tuesday in the island's first major immigration reform in half a century.

The Cuban government imposed broad restrictions on travel starting in 1961, after the 1959 revolution that put Fidel Castro in power.

The government will lift requirements to obtain an exit visa permitting departure from Cuba and a letter of invitation from someone in the destination country.

Starting on Jan 14, Cubans will simply have to show a passport and, if needed, a visa from the country they are traveling to, said Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma.

"As part of the work under way to update the current migratory policy and adjust it to the conditions of the present and the foreseeable future, the Cuban government, in exercise of its sovereignty, has decided to eliminate the procedure of the exit visa for travel to the exterior," the paper said.

The changes are the latest reform under President Raul Castro, who has modestly liberalized Cuba's economy.

The process of obtaining the needed documents is time consuming and expensive, with no guarantee at the end that the government would grant permission to leave.

"There have been many expectations for many years about a new travel law. It's a big step forward that will save us money and simplify the process," said Rafael Pena as he headed to work in Havana.

The measure extends to 24 months, from the current 11, the amount of time Cubans can be out of the country without losing rights and property, and they can seek an extension, Granma said.

In theory, the changes should make it easier for Cubans to not only travel, but to work abroad and return home when they are ready. But they will still have to obtain visas from most countries.

Granma said restrictions would still be in place for some people, likely to include doctors and other professionals who Cuba does not want to leave.

"Those measures aimed at preserving the human capital created by the Revolution from the theft of talents practiced by the powerful nations shall remain in force," it said.

Reuters - AP

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